SharePlay Music Control comes to HomePod and Apple TV with iOS 17.4 and tvOS 17.4

With iOS 17.4 and tvOS 17.4, Apple is expanding the function SharePlay to HomePod speakers and Apple TV.

This feature allows others to control music playback on your HomePod or Apple TV with permission. Currently, the feature is limited to the Music app, but other people don't need an Apple Music subscription to participate.

SharePlay music controls

Apple already introduced a similar feature for CarPlay last year, allowing anyone in the car to control music playback with permission via SharePlay. Now, SharePlay is also coming to HomePod and Apple TV.

The primary user can decide whether to approve or reject each request.


While playing a song in the Music app on your iPhone, tap the SharePlay icon at the bottom of the screen to display a QR code. At this point, another person can scan the code using the camera on their iPhone or Android smartphone Request access to music playback controls. Just a screenshot of the QR code is enough, and if you want, you can give access remotely to people around the world.

With iOS 17.4, the feature is available on both HomePod than on the HomePod mini.


Apple TV app

With tvOS 17.4the music app AppleTV can display a QR code on the TV that guests can scan to request access to music playback controls.

Extending this functionality to Apple TV and HomePod is very interesting for house parties, allowing everyone to be a “DJ”.


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