WhatsApp updates are becoming more and more common lately and they contain really useful new features. The latest feature introduced by the Meta team has been in high demand for a long time and will allow users to work more productively and, most importantly, more comfortably. This is the way to share your screen during video calls.
The handling is very easy. Just press a button during the video call and you can easily split your screen vertically and horizontally. This makes it easy to show friends, family or even colleagues what you’re doing. Meta has indicated how to do all of this with the utmost respect for privacy: in order for the feature to be available, the appropriate permissions must be granted. and all videos are protected by end-to-end encryption as always, WhatsApp will therefore not “see” anything and neither will third parties.
Screen sharing is currently rolling out. It will be available on all devices where the WhatsApp application works. for iOS, Android, but also Windows and Mac. However, the web version will not have this feature, at least for now.